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How Electronic Signatures Are Changing the Game

In today's fast-paced world, time is a precious commodity. Every minute counts, and any delays in signing contracts and documents can lead to missed opportunities and lost revenue. That's where electronic signatures come in.

Electronic signatures are a legally valid and efficient alternative to traditional pen-and-paper signatures, making them an ideal solution for any organization. With electronic signatures, you can sign documents and contracts from anywhere, at any time, without having to meet in person.

Electronic signatures have been legally binding since the United States Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act (ESIGN) was passed in 2000. ESIGN ensures that electronic signatures are legally valid in every state where federal law applies.

Additionally, the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act (UETA) was developed by the Uniform Law Commission to provide a legal framework for the use of electronic signatures. Most states have adopted UETA, but some states have their own laws to ensure that electronic signatures are legally valid.

What Makes Electronic Signatures Legally Binding?

To be legally binding, electronic signatures must meet several requirements:

  • Intent to sign: The signer must have a legitimate intent to sign the document. 
  • Consent to do business electronically: All parties must consent to do business electronically. This can be achieved through a consent clause in an online form.
  • Record retention: Records associated with the electronic signature must be retained for future reference. This means that the signature must be stored securely and made easily accessible for future reference.

Benefits to Electronic Signatures

One of the key benefits of electronic signatures is that they provide a secure and efficient way to sign documents electronically. They eliminate the need for physical signatures, which can be time-consuming and costly, and can be prone to errors or fraud. Another benefit to Electronic signatures is that they can provide an audit trail for data. This audit trail provides a transparent record of the signing process, making it easy to track and verify the document's authenticity. With e-signatures and audit trails, businesses and organizations can benefit from increased document security and integrity, streamlined workflows, reduced costs, and improved compliance with regulatory requirements.

How to Capture and Store Electronic Signatures the Right Way

When capturing electronic signatures, it's important to ensure that all legal requirements are met. One way to ensure legal compliance is to use an electronic signature platform that meets all legal requirements. These platforms provide a secure way to capture electronic signatures while ensuring compliance with legal regulations.

Another important consideration is document security. Electronic signatures must be stored securely to prevent unauthorized access. This means using encryption and secure storage solutions to protect electronic signatures and associated records.

With the right tools and processes in place, organizations can easily capture and store electronic signatures in a way that meets legal requirements and saves time. Don't miss out on opportunities due to slow contract signing processes – implement electronic signatures today!